In January 2025 I launched The Good Fight, a substack dedicated to telling the stories of people doing incredible things to make the world better. As well as monthly interviews and features with people fighting the good fight and doing the thing, I’ll also use it as a space to keep subscribers up to date about actions, trials, ways to get involved and breaking news from across the movement, as well as providing a home for how tos and guides to your rights, the law and more.
The Good Fight is free to subscribe to, and all content on it will always be free but any contribution that you can make by becoming a paid subscriber would be greatly appreciated and allow me to dedicate more time to the space!
I am always very open to hearing suggestions for content — things you want to learn or know about, people you want to hear from so please feel free to contact me through the substack or on the contact page on this site. Likewise if you’re organising a demonstration, an action or a protest that you want covered or publicised drop me a note!